What is the problem we need to solve?
Audience Profile
Who are we talking to? What do we know about them that can help us (insight)? What does the audience currently think about us? What do we want them to think?
Single-most important message to communicate
The “big idea”. This message should differentiate you and be provable by supporting messages.
Key Insight
What makes this approach unique and better than competitor strategies? What are the supporting rational and emotional “reasons to believe and buy”? Messaging/data that supports/proves the single-most important message. Who is the competition?
Expected Action / Barriers to Action
What exactly do we want our audience to do as a result of seeing/hearing the information? What response do we want to stimulate? What might prevent the target in behaving the way we want them to?
What tone of voice and style should be used? This should reflect the brand personality.
Measurement Criteria
How will this be measured/seen as successful?
List deliverables you are considering to meet your objective? (Video, social media posts, direct mail piece, etc)
Executional Guidelines
Specific considerations or constraints (budget, mandatories, size, brand standards, legal requirements, length, etc.)
Any websites that may be helpful when discussing your project